This is a mock-up showcasing new Cover Images that I created for all of the on-air talent.

Below is a selection of on-air graphics backgrounds created to promote newscasts and new products.

Coats for Kids is a local yearly fundraiser designed to provide new or slightly used coats for children without warm winter coats. in 2007 I was asked to write and produce a commercial spot for Coats for Kids. This spot was produced on a hot Fresno summer day. My two actors are my children and even though they were sweltering in these coats, they were true pro's and easily convinced the viewer that it was cold out. The original spot was filmed in HD at 16:9, but unfortunately was edited and aired on SD at 4:3. The idea with this spot was to reuse it and create what is referred to as a Donut. The narration would change each year and the center of the donut, but the rest stayed. The plan was to get a couple of years out of it and when I left in 2003, they were still using it.
Here's the original SD 4:3 version